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8.1. Purpose and Applicability

The purpose of the annual performance review is to assess the quality of faculty performance during that year and to measure attainment of the goals and objectives set for the year. This process applies to full-time, tenure-track faculty and to full-time teaching faculty (see Section 1.3 regarding applicability to renewable faculty).

Edited: Updated position titles to reflect 2024 changes to Section 1.3 ("to "teaching faculty" from "non-tenure-track renewable (NTTR)") 

8.2. Criteria

The criteria for evaluation set forth in Section 3.1 鈥淐riteria鈥 and in the departmental/school, college, and Steely Library RPT guidelines shall be the criteria upon which a performance review is based. Any judgment, by a chair or director, that the overall performance of a tenured faculty member is unsatisfactory for the review period will be based upon and consistent with the statement of expectations for adequate performance approved by the faculty member鈥檚 department/school or program.

8.3. Procedures

Performance reviews occur during the spring semester. The period evaluated is the prior January 1 through December 31 calendar year.

The chair or director, in consultation with the department/school or program faculty, will set the date for each faculty member鈥檚 performance review. The performance review should be completed no later than April 1 and no earlier than one week after receipt by all faculty in a department/school or program of fall semester student evaluations. Prior to that date the faculty member will prepare a written statement of performance, including a statement of goals and objectives for the coming year. The chair or director will meet with the faculty member to discuss the performance, assess attainment of goals and objectives, and set goals and objectives for the coming year. The chair or director will be responsible for preparing a document summarizing the performance evaluation, goals and objectives assessment, and goals and objectives set for the coming year. Both parties will sign the document to verify that the review has occurred. If differences of opinion exist, they shall make every effort to resolve them. If the content of the summary is unsatisfactory to the faculty member, the faculty member is responsible for providing a written addendum stating the difference(s) of opinion. All performance review documents, including the faculty member鈥檚 original written performance statement, shall become a part of the faculty member鈥檚 personnel file maintained in the department/school or program; a copy must be given to the faculty member, to the dean, and to the provost.

The faculty member may use the copy of the performance evaluation to support applications for reappointment, promotion, tenure, or any combination of them, or in grievance procedures. Otherwise, the chair or director, dean, and provost must keep the contents confidential. In the event that a post-tenure review is triggered, the faculty member鈥檚 annual performance review materials from the two most recent reviews, including the chair鈥檚/director鈥檚 own evaluation letters, will be made accessible to the post-tenure review (P-TR) committee and can be used in evaluating that individual鈥檚 performance and must remain confidential.

If circumstances change during the year, the faculty member and chair or director may agree to amend the goals and objectives for that year. In colleges where there is no department or school, the dean will function as department chair in these processes.

8.4. Appeal Procedures

A faculty member convinced that misevaluation is damaging their professional status or advancement may pursue one of the complaint processes as set forth in Section 14 鈥淕rievances鈥.
